hello Berlin good bye Flat head
When Little L was born I could not see him during the first moments. Mr.B however was there to give me a sign if everything is OK and looks OK. The very first thing he told me with tears in his eyes was:”He does not have a flat head.” Even in such stressful situation I thought it was a very funny statement even more so because it was not meant to be funny, it actually was very serious. I remember how we were warned couple of times not to be worried when we see our baby for the first time as babies have really strange shapes of heads after the birth. But Mr.B knew that I have FLAT HEAD paranoia and he knew it was so strong that he even forgot that babies are normally not born with flat heads :).
Oh yes I had terrible paranoia of flat headed Leo possibility. This fear developed to its maximum actually in Poland. When we first met with Mr.B he had his hat on. The second time we met I was too drunk to notice that he had a really really flat head. At the point I discovered he is flat headed I found him to interesting and there was no step back :). But I truly like nice shapes of heads, and I like them even more now as they are really scarce commodities in Poland. Actually I have never ever seen so many flat heads as I see when I am walking streets of Warszaw. I don’t know where this comes from but its a fact. At one point I started doubting my own opinion but I was reassured that I am right when my sister came over. I did not tell her anything, I was just waiting. And it came. After couple of days she told me if I have ever realised how many flat headed men there is around. Mr.B know very well my flat head issues. He even asked a hairdresser once about a hairdo that would camouflage his head and the hairdresser told him he has a lot of men asking for the same thing :). So when Little L arrived we were only letting him sleep on the side. We were changing the sides of course and I was happy he had a really nice shape of head up to his two months. But than things started to change. No matter what I did he always ended up sleeping on his back, and his head was slowly becoming flat. Until one day when I looked at him from the side and realised that the situation is alarming and his had is as flat as polish landscape. I knew something had to be done. I goggled about flat heads on slovak sites and the only information I could find was “let it be, it will change as he gets older”. What a bullshit! Typical slovak, let it be and wait until things get done by themselves. Slovaks are truly very passive nation deep inside. Than Mr.B googled about flat heads on polish web and there was the solution. NO let it be, NO wait until it gets better but act and act now. This way we found out about
cranio therapy which is a treatment of head deformities. Known in the world apart from Slovakia. We knew we have to do it so that Little L would never have to think about hairdos to make his head look good. We went to Berlin to cranioform clinic where they measured L’s head and suggested us to undertake helmet therapy for approximately next 4 months. I was not even aware of what kind of deformities of heads there are and how they influence facial and oral development of babies. Knowing what I know now I find statement wait until it gets better with age punishable. It would only get worse with time. And I was very happy to see how many parents with babies from different countries there were every day. Anyway we were leaving Berlin with a nice craniohelmet on Little L’s head /which stopped bothering him in two days if you wonder/ and some new plans for the future. New fresh place brought us some new fresh ideas. But I’ll keep those to myself until I’m not sure it will turn out the way we plan it. PS: And for those who think we are harming Little L to make him look good and we are some weird parents please note that flat headness –
Plagiocephaly is a osteophatic condition characterized by an asymmetrical distortion of skull and can lead to problematic development of face, jaw bones and other oral problems. PS2: Those of you who might be interested there is
a blog in polish on this topic and as far as I know there is as well place in Poland I guess in Krakow where they do helmet therapy as well. We decided to do it in Berlin because we wanted to visit Berlin, meet my sister who lives in Germany and because we thought they have much more experiences when it comes to therapy. PS3:
Forum in polish
hello Berlin