New Zealand video
It is little off topic maybe, for sure out of date….video from our trip to NZ one year ago
Life is just to fast…and I should not have watched it this morning. Seeing Leo so small and cute and still a baby tore me appart. Its unfair that babies are babies for so short and everything else takes ages. I blinked my eyes and he is suddenly so grown up and big and independent and I miss his tinyness. I remember that I always wanted to soak in every single moment with him to feel and keep in my memory and it is only one year and so many moments have been forgoten. I want to recall that touch on his little nose, my fingers through his long hair that were soft like feathers but all I have is videos to remind me of those ephemeral seconds, blinks. And I am thankfull we could have such moments together but its not enough, nothing is enough to soak it all in and not let go.
New Zealand Trip 2016 from eyaeya on Vimeo.