Devon & Cornwall
Before the year is over it is good to finish everything that had been started and remains hanging somewhere in between and to close all the subjects to not carry on with old topics. Something new is to come and its great to have that imaginary cleansing bath, to wake up in a fresh smelling sheets and have a chance of pretending that it is not just another regular day but that we can do something from scratch with new cards in hand. New Year is behind the corner and we will be lucky to travel together once again in another part of the world, and so to close the old one I share a video from our veeeery laid back trip to England. The place was a huge surprise to us and we want to be back again next year if it will be possible.
And to those of you who still come here once in a while to check if I woke up from my publishing lethargy I would like from the deepest of my heart wish that the next year would be a year of positive changes, as that is something we all need constantly. I wish you patience, calmness, closeness, balance, minimalism in materialism, and maximalism in relationships, conscious ecological choices and happiness. Every time you can choose happy and choose love. Don’t be a storage of negative emotions and don’t let emotions rule your world. Be opened to them and let them pass. I know it sounds so banal but I believe that it actually is that simple we just learned to make it unnecessary complicated. OK that was actually what I wish for myself but I wish you the same. See you in 2018. ❤️
Devon & Cornwall from eyaeya on Vimeo.