Okinawa 2018
Is that really already two years ago? Yesterday Bart finished putting this video together, two years after our trip to Asia. I watched it and smiled but it hurt. Passing of time, without mercy without compromises. I could feel emotions from those particular moments, I have a visual memory and remember all the details, but emotions are the strangest because I can still feel them they are so alive. Having this kind of memories is so awkward in a way. Just like scrolling through the photos on the phone, couple moves of a finger and you are transmitted in time. My phone has a memory of photographs since Gaias birth. I scroll for seconds and suddenly I see Gaias first breaths while she sits next to me and hugs me. Its a great gift to be able to do so but it also reminds me in a very tangible and straight forward way of all the yesterdays that are gone. And today I get frustrated because kids don’t listen to me, I get frustrated because once again as for past months I did not manage to find time for myself to work one projects that sit in my mind. And than today I watch our video from two years ago and I feel I don’t care about those small, unimportant obstacles that make motherhood so exhausting, and I fell I don’t have enough. I am with my kids practically 24/7 and yet I feel it is not enough, because my mind is very often far away and it is only my body that moves around, because I think about things I might be missing on, jobs, work, projects, meeting people, life. And than I watch our video and I know those moments when my mind travels to the dark corners of doubts, comparation, self pity and fear are the moments that I regret most. Because those moments don’t give me anything in change for the intentional time they take away from me. Because I love to be with my kids and watch them grow and change and hold them and show them world and laugh with them. They piss me of like nobody else but make me happy like nobody else, make me full, they fill my cup and empty my cup. But this is me, I don’t need much from life, I don’t have high expectations, I am the woman who wants to live life with kids while they want. Because inn the evening when they fall asleep and I have moment to think I don’t find myself regretting that I said no to the offered jobs or to the invitations to parties or cooperations. I only find myself regretting the time that has passed and I was not present and I was not humble.
I tend to put myself down for many things, I tend to be hard on myself and cut my own wings. I fight that with small success but in the mess of it all there are some bright moments when things seems to make sense, when everything is so clear and I feel like I understand who I am. And that I do it just right, giving my family time and also slowly finding time to do my stuff because Leo and Gaia now have longer and longer periods where they drift into their imaginary world of play. But I know that for those years to come I will try to get most of the time we have together because it is most valuable, most beautifully and happily spent life.
Okinawa Trip 2018 from eyaeya on Vimeo.
music Mongol800
film Silvia Bart Leo Gaia