corbusier’s mistake ?

corbusier’s mistake ?

..finally I managed to work on the photos from I said Estonia was a great experience..and this is not the end its just a beginning..I hope
…don’t want to talk much about the idea behind this photos…the time will come…

The biggest problem with Corbusier’s architecture was that it failed to take into account human psychology. It tore at human spirit and filled people with depression and melancholy.

plus bonus

why to sit when you can jump

why to sit when you can jump

…third day in the row sitting by the computer…photos photos photos photos….
…I’m in the middle of scanning negatives from Estonia and I found this “family portrait” which
we did to finish the film..
…this way I’d like to than Miss Agatova for letting us stay in her crazy cool place in Tallinn…
…check her photos at
and have a great day everyBody :)



….last day in Tallinn today…well I have to say it was GREAT…
I was working on my bachelor project shooting Lasmanäe suburb for couple of days..I dont really know where to begin. First of all I have to, in this very public way thank to Mr.B for all the help, without him I would not be here at the first place, but what is more important he managed in an extremely short time organize such contacts which led us to another contact and those to another ones, so that we ended up meetin bunch of great people who were willing to pose for the photos. Now I just have to hope I did not screw up something and that when I get my 20 developed negatives tomorrow I’ll have a reason to celebrate.
Anyway, Tallinn is an highly inspiring place and I am shocked by the hospitality of people living here, I dont remember meeting such an amount of helpful and cordial people ever before…BUT not to be only so highly positive, there are also strange things goin on here….

houses are hiding from people

and midgets, elfs and fairies are doing I dont really know what

but otherwise it is all good

PS: some short vids are coming soon, for more info follow Mr.B

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I don't want my life to be a reason for other's life to be a suffering that is why I am vegan and that is how I want to raise my son. I love my little family, birds, rainy days and life on the road. I believe in life before death :).
